Thursday, September 5, 2013

Week 9 - Did you bring your ovary with you today?

This week was a very special week. I was able to meet our sweet baby for the first time. Up until this point it has just been a thought verses a reality. Sure I had some symptoms but I haven't been able to feel anything yet. It is too early to really start showing and definitely too early to feel any movement. This was one of the reasons why Logan and I were looking forward to our dr. appointment. We arrived to the dr. office a little early so I could fill out paperwork. Right on schedule came my wonderful pregnancy sickness so I ran straight for the restroom. At least I will find out in a few minutes if all of this is normal.

We get called back and the first thing we did was go to the ultrasound room. The technician wanted to first try to see if she can see my uterus using the wand on my stomach before having to look internally. Luckily she was able to see it right away. Within seconds we were looking at our baby and hearing a heartbeat. A wave of emotion ran over me and I couldn't help but weep. (Tears of joy of course.) I can't believe it. I am going to be a mom. This is my baby. This is really happening.

It all happened so quickly. Then I saw the technician with a slight look of concern. She then made a joke and asked, 'did you bring your right ovary with you today?' I quickly replied no which stopped her in her tracks. I guess it didn't say in my file that I only had one. I didn't realize that was what she was looking for during the last few minutes. Then she asked if we wanted to hear the heart beat again and Logan and I both answered quickly with a strong YES! Of course we want to hear it again. I could listen to it all day if that was possible. We were told it was a strong and consistent 176 and based on the measurements, I am definitely at 9 weeks.

The rest of the visit was long and discouraging. Nothing but nurses and doctors going through all the things that could go wrong in the pregnancy. I understand that we need to be prepared for the worst case scenario and that we are still very early in the pregnancy but can we just go back to being excited and listening to the heart beat? Here come the anxiety and worry again that finally went away for the first time.

The appointment ended after 3.5 hours and Logan and I headed home. They gave us a print out of the sonogram and I couldn't help but look at it all night. This is our baby. The gummy bear sized version of our baby. Sure there are still a lot of unknowns but I can't focus on that. So I focused on keeping my mind healthy. I spent some quality time with God that night thanking Him for this sweet blessing. No matter what happens, this is a great beginning for our family and I am so grateful to be able to experience this.

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