Thursday, September 5, 2013

Week 7 - Beginning of the 9 Month Hangover

Well the honeymoon is over.  Those symptoms are all kickin in full gear.  As the creature growing inside continues to suck the life out of me, I am enjoying headaches, fatigue, constant nausea and the added bonus of constipation.  Our ‘sweet pea’ has grown to the size of a blueberry, and while our bambino is still relatively small, it is making a big impact on how I feel.  The good news is that when I was looking up relief suggestions I saw that all of these feelings mean that our child is healthy and it should only last for 3 months. 

Awesome, so the 3 months while I still look like me, I feel like crap.  Then when I start to feel a little better on the inside, the outside of me is going to be swallowed up in a fat person suit.  I thought it was called morning sickness meaning that you get sick first thing in the am, then you are cool for the rest of the day?  Why don’t they call it the Prego Hangover because that is how it feels.  It feels like I partied way too hard last night and am paying for it today, only greasy McDonald’s breakfast doesn’t cure it and I don’t have any wild stories to tell you about last night. 

'Wow Casey, you look like crap, what did you do last night?’  Oh you know, the usual Tuesday night, forced down some soup and grilled cheese, topped it off with some gingerale and passed out at 9:00.  CRAZAY!  This week instead of thinking about what cute outfits I want to dress our child in, I keep thinking about all the classic parent lines you hear from your mom when you are growing up to make you feel guilty.  ‘Do you know what I went through so you could be here right now, and this is how you are you going to talk to me?’  ‘I brought you into this world, and just as easily I can take you out.’  ‘I put my body through hell so you could live and this is the thanks I get.’ 
This is my 'fake it till you make it' smile.
Can you tell I have the sweats and am going to
throw up after this photo is done?

Alright so I am being dramatic.  I need to just suck it up and face the facts that this is just how I get to feel and go back to thinking about it as our sweet miracle growing inside of me instead of as the evil alien spawn that is going to rip its way out of me. 

Written with love,
Future Mom of the Year

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