Thursday, September 5, 2013

Week 8 - A moment of silence for my skinny jeans that won't fit again for years.

Dear Baby Fetus,  (Technically not even a fetus yet)

I would like to thank you for making today extra special to me.  The day was coming to end for most of my co-workers and I was getting ready to pull a late night to catch up on some work I was behind on.  I actually felt ‘okay’ for most of the day so I thought I would take advantage of feeling good. 
Before settling into my next project I took a quick break to run to the restroom and go to the break room for a refill of water and grab a snack.  As I sat down to take my 10th pee of the day, I had the uncontrollable instant urge that I was going to get sick and it was going to happen now if I liked it or not.  Still sitting down mid-stream I start throwing up in front of me.  Awesome.  Well, at least it is late in the day so most people are gone.  So I get up to grab some paper towels to clean up what just happened and when I bent over I heard the sound of the last shred of dignity I had for the day leave.  The seam in my pants has ripped. 
All the ‘carbing up’ I have been doing over the past week and a half since it is the only thing that calms my stomach pushed me over the edge.  I am no longer a size 4.  (Truly I’ve been squeezing into them for a while in denial that I have to be a size 6 now, but this was a rude way to find out.)  I took that as a sign that my work day should be over, so instead of working for another two hours I picked my self-respect up off the bathroom floor, grabbed my purse and left for the day. 
Pouring one out for
the skinny jeans that
are no more....
As soon as I got into the car I had to unbutton my pants that clearly do not fit me anymore and drove home.  I swapped my pants for pj’s and had a moment of silence over the fact that it was the last time for at least a year that I will be that size again, if ever.  I’ve heard horror stories of your body never going back to the shape it was before you are pregnant and I know I didn’t do myself any favors by waiting until I was 30 to have kids. 
I keep talking about going to the gym and working out but then the exhaustion and nausea kick in and the couch seems much more appealing.  So for now, that is what I’m going to do – lay in bed and forget about today.  Tomorrow I will be wearing a skirt so I don’t have to worry about one of these issues repeating itself.  Thanks again for embarrassing mommy today.  I’ll get you back with some naked baby photos when you bring home your first date. 
Love Always,

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