Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 11 - So did you plan this?

Every week that goes by the more reality kicks in that I am going to be a momma and that there is life growing inside me.  This week was one of many milestones.  Not only has my baby officially grown to the ‘fetus’ stage and is the size of a lime, but Logan and I have also started sharing the news with people.  Our plan is that anytime we get to see people in person we would share the news with them but just ask that they don’t blast it yet through social media.  I ordered some cards to send out to our family and friends and unfortunately, had to tell my boss at work. 

The reason why I say unfortunately is because of the circumstances that caused me to divulge the information.  Originally I was going to wait until after Labor Day.  Instead, while having my mid-year review, pregnancy hormones kicked in and I got emotional.  This was great.   My first chance to show George how well I take criticism and we can have a real candid conversation about my performance, and I look like a teenage girl getting scolded by her father. The worst part was, it was a fantastic review!  Any items that I was told I need to work on were things I was already aware of and for the most part I was told that he was overall happy with my performance.  No reason for me to be upset, if these things bothered me.  But I pride myself in my ability to take constructive criticism.  So I had to fess up.  I told George that if my eyes were glassy it had nothing to do with our conversation, but was because I am pregnant.  It was a relief to get it off my chest and good timing since (I didn’t know this yet) but the next Monday I needed to take a day off because of how badly I felt.  George was very happy for me and I felt a weight lifted now that I didn’t have a secret. 

We also began sharing the news with some friends.  Female friends were beyond excited and started asking about name ideas, how I was feeling, etc.  My male friends were more concerned on if this was planned and if I am happy.  I guess when you are a single man you don’t think that someone would get knocked up on purpose.  First question after I said guess what, Logan and I are pregnant was - so was this planned?  Should I be happy for you?  Logan and I have been dating since I was 19 and I am now 30.  Don’t you think that if we were going to get ‘accidently’ pregnant it would have been when I was 21 and stupid instead of in my 30s?  But the overall feeling that everyone shared was that if we were happy, they were happy for us.  And the truth is, Logan and I couldn’t be happier. 

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