Thursday, September 5, 2013

Random Thought on Pregnancy

Do you remember those Pepto Bismol commercials where they sing and dance pointing to the different places of their body that you could have symptoms in?  Sing it with me, ‘nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea.’  Those are ALL symptoms of pregnancy that I feel ALL the time.  I could be a walking billboard for Pepto.  Except that you can’t take it while pregnant!  It seems like such a slap in the face.  You get to enjoy all of these symptoms 7 days a week but you can’t take anything to relieve it. 
You could try avoiding certain foods that cause the symptoms.  Add those foods to the laundry list of ‘don’t eat’ that you already get once you become pregnant and the list of items that you won’t eat because now even the smell of it will make you sick.  I've already been on a strict peanut butter on saltine crackers diet since that seems to be the only thing that I’m allowed to eat that doesn’t mess with me afterwards.  Dreaming of the days when normal foods stay down and I can get back to a balanced diet. 

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