Sunday, September 15, 2013

Missing: Another shred of dignity

I am amazed on a daily basis by people. Bill Cosby had a show staring kids who say 'the darnest things.' It was cute because of how inappropriate they can be. However, these kids grow up. They grow into inappropriate adults. The best part about it is, most have no idea they are saying something that is best left unsaid. They walk around completely oblivious.

Case in point. I am walking through the office towards the printer, minding my own business when a co-worker calls me over with excitement. She is standing in a group with two other employees who I have not had the pleasure of meeting yet. Then she exclaims with great joy, 'I just heard the news! I've noticed for a few weeks that you have been pudging up, but I didn't want to say anything. So congratulations!'

Awesome. I am at the stage in the pregnancy where some women are now showing a little. But in my case, it has been confirmed that my co-workers have been discussing for WEEKS about how I am plumping up. I was actually thinking I was looking pretty good... sure, my pants don't fit and I'm wearing a belly band, but I'm not showing anywhere else right? So now I will be spending the weekend taking measurements of the rest of my body, doing extra cardio sessions and eating a lot more veggies and fewer sweets thanks to Mrs. Uncouth's nonchalant comment. The best part about it was that she was not trying to be rude, in fact, it was the opposite. Nevertheless, I walked away with a little less dignity and now have two more people who I don't know judging my 'pudge.' I just want to go home and watch football and forget about this.

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