Monday, September 9, 2013

Too fat for my pants

The fun has continued with sharing the news of our now sweet baby plum.  This week our baby’s face is becoming more defined.  The eyes have moved to the front of the face and the chin and nose have been taking more shape.  Logan and I have joked that we hope the baby gets my nose and not his.  While that might be the case, I really hope for our child’s sake that they get his athletic ability and metabolism and not mine.  Our sweet child now has fingernails on formed fingers that will soon be able to open and close.  Luckily I am keeping up with taking my DHA because the brain is also rapidly growing. 

As for me, there is no hiding it.  I look like a pregnant lady.  My belly bump is showing.  I guess that is to be expected when I gain most of my weight in my mid-section as it is.  Let’s just hope that it stays contained in the middle and doesn’t spread everywhere.  I need to continue to try to eat as healthy as possible and spend as many nights as I can in the gym.  Either way, I am too fat for my pants.  I needed to buy a few pieces to add to my wardrobe to help with this change in size.  This is a very awkward time because I tried on maternity clothes and they are extremely baggy on me since I haven’t gotten that big, yet I can’t button my pants.  I tried on a pair of skinny jeans that are the next size up but because the weight luckily is only in my belly, they didn’t fit anywhere else.  (I'm not lookin all that skinny so maybe I should just give up on the fashion trend.)
So I am rockin’ the belly band.  Honestly, this might just become a new thing for me.  Why didn’t I find this sooner?  No more restrictions of a button and zipper.  I now have the comfort of elastic while sporting all my favorite pant styles.  Is it wrong that I want to wear these after the pregnancy is over?  How long is an acceptable period of time post pregnancy of wearing elastic pants before I need an intervention? 

Good news is that the nausea and sickness are getting better.  It isn’t gone, but it isn’t as frequent.  I still cannot get enough sleep in my day and will cry over little things.  Example – Logan came home after working on Saturday and told me he stopped by the book store on the way home to pick up a book on pregnancy.  The woman recommended to him ‘What to expect when expecting.’  The fact that Logan went to a book store on his own to get something to read about pregnancy melted my heart and I was crying uncontrollable happy tears.  What was even better was last night when we were reading in bed and he kept sharing his ‘did you know’ facts that he was learning while he read.  It is moments like that which remind me how blessed I am to not only experience this wonderful time in my life, but to be sharing it with such a great partner who I know is going to be a fantastic father.


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