Thursday, September 5, 2013

Week 5 - Yep, Still Pregnant

I woke up a week later and took another test to confirm.  Yep, still pregnant.  How does that keep happening?  I can’t believe that I actually have a person growing inside me.  This week the baby has developed from a poppy seed to an apple seed.  At this stage our baby was developing its central nervous system:  the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves and backbone.  The middle layer will develop into the circulatory system and the bottom layer is where the lungs, intestines, thyroid and other major internal organs will develop. 

So what does this mean for me?  I need to start getting used to this lifestyle change.  Basically all my favorite foods are now off limit and I need to learn how to function without caffeine.  Water is my new best friend and mocktails will become the norm.  The alcohol aspect so far is the hardest part.  Not the ‘I can’t drink anymore’ part but the explaining why I’m not drinking to my friends and making excuses for it.  I might just have to become a hermit for the next few months.  I scheduled my first dr. appointment for the end of the month and am starting to read up a lot.  My main focus is keeping my body healthy.  I want to continue to spend a lot of time in the gym while also pumping myself full of vitamins, fruits and veggies. 

The best part so far?  Logan’s excitement.  He cannot wait to be a dad.  It reassures how ready we are to become a family and it makes me really look forward to doing this partnership together.  I am truly blessed to have a partner like him for these big life events.

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