Thursday, September 5, 2013

Week 6 - Sweet Pea, Apple of my Eye

Our little blessing has grown from an apple seed to the size of a pea.  I found this out after I was already at work and checked my ‘Bump App.’ I text messaged Logan instantly and he responded that we have a little ‘sweet pea.’  Then right away he put on Amos Lee’s ‘Sweet Pea’ on Spotify.  That made my heart smile.  All week long he was asking about how our little sweet pea was doing.  Our sweet pea is developing eyes, ears and other facial features.  I am not sure when you start feeling side effects, but fortunately for me, I haven’t had any yet.  I feel great.  It is almost like the feeling I had when Logan and I first started dating.  You get the butterfly feeling every time he is around and are wondering about what the future might hold.  I keep thinking about what it is going to feel like when I get my first baby kick and how we are going to decorate the nursery or if we think it’s going to be a ballerina or a baseball player.  Each sweet thought gives me butterflies.    Each day this is becoming more real.  We are going to spend the weekend talking insurance and how much we need to start saving which means it is actually happening.  I am going to be a mom.

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