Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week 12 - Blessed in more ways than one.

This was a big week.  I had butterflies in my stomach leading up to our doctor’s appointment.  At 12 weeks, we should be able to put the fear of a miscarriage behind us.  At 12 weeks, we should be able to see something on the sonogram that actually resembles a person.  At 12 weeks, we can finally shout from the rooftop to all of our friends and family that our family of 2 is growing.  So to me, this was a big week.

I tried my best not to keep myself up the night before playing the ‘what if’ game.  Instead, I said a simple prayer first thanking God for this amazing opportunity but then, no matter what his will is for me and this baby, that I will be okay with it.  God blessed us once again when we sat in that sonogram room and saw our sweet little baby and heard its little heartbeat.  I had a huge sigh of relief.  I am on the right road to having a healthy baby continue its development.
The rest of the day I was simply glowing with excitement.  I can share the news with all of our friends and family.  The next few days would be all about Baby Barile.  I was most excited to tell all of my mommy friends.  Our little circle has moved from new marriages to new babies over the past few years and it was my turn to join the club.  I knew that they would be happy to have another woman to share this with.  And I am excited to talk to people who have been through what I am going through!
The timing was perfect because we were heading down to the keys for the weekend with a group of amazing people to celebrate our good friend Sammy’s birthday.  It was the first trip I didn’t have to hide my pregnancy and when I shared the news I was embraced with excitement.  It was also the first time in 15 years that I experienced Duval Street in Key West sober.  That was an eye opener to say the least.  But we couldn’t have asked for a better group of couples to go down there with. 
Logan and I discussed on our drive back how we have really been blessed with a great diverse group of friends to celebrate these moments of our lives together.  People who are truly caring and genuinely sweet people who would do anything for their friends.  I felt honored to be included as part of the group and look forward to developing these friendships even further as I enter into this next stage in life.  College spring break mentality morphed into weekend getaways with girlfriends to now vacations with our friends and their families.  It is an interesting transition but one that I am ready to embrace with open arms. 

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