Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 10 - All about the Grandparents

This was a fun week for us and one we have been looking forward to since the day we read ‘pregnant’ on the pee stick. This was the week we were going to share the good news with our parents.  We were waiting until after we had our dr. appointment to make sure everything was on track before we told anyone.  Now that we had the green light it was time to share with those closest to us.  We are still waiting until 12 weeks to make the ‘big’ announcement, but in the meantime, Logan and I could finally share what we have wanted to scream from the mountaintops. 

Now, the question of how we were going to tell them was a conversation of discussion that Logan and I had over a few weeks.  I wanted to have everyone over together because I didn’t think it was fair for one parent to find out before the other.  However, when you have the interesting dynamic of divorced parents, it makes the subject a little more sensitive.  Ultimately we decided to have a more intimate conversation with each parent individually and we would do it all over one weekend so that the most any parent would know before the other would be 48 hours.  Sure, we could have called them each within minutes, but then I don’t get to see the expression on their faces!
The plan was set, we would tell Margie on her birthday (Thursday) followed by my dad on Friday and my mom on Saturday.  We had a meal set up with each of them and had special gifts for them to open to find out that they were now going to be grandparents.  I couldn’t have asked for a better reaction from each of them.  All of their responses to our news fit true to their personalities which reconfirmed we did it the right way by doing it separately.  I found these really cute ‘announcement’ eggs on etsy to give to the moms.  When they crack the egg a small piece of paper is inside that says that we are pregnant with our due date.

When Margie opened hers, she instantly got emotional and screamed.  I loved it!  She kept saying it was the best birthday present ever.  It was the exact ‘Margie’ reaction I was hoping for.  My mom didn’t disappoint either.  When she opened hers she stated that she had given up on us.  She thought that we were going to just stay kid-less and travel the world.  (Which she was right in we did have that thought cross our mind many times.)    But most importantly she said that she didn’t care as long as we were happy.  Which we are, and know we made the best decision!
A Birthday Dinner that none of us will forget.

Dad’s reaction was just as classic.  I got him a mug that said ‘this dad is being promoted to grandpa.’  When he opened it up, he gave me a puzzled look and asked, ‘you’re pregnant?’  When I said yes and he hugged me to say congratulations, that was immediately followed with, ‘so no problems with that ovary?’  Which was a perfect question since the only other time the conversation of me having kids has come up with my father was last year when we were in the Keys and he said so eloquently, ‘can you even get pregnant with that bum ovary of yours?’  He did follow up the natural stunned reaction to being a grandfather with a text message the next day telling me how excited he is to be Grandpa Z.  (It has a good ring to it, Papa Z.)

It was such a joy to celebrate this next step with our parents this way and was a wonderful way to spend the weekend.  This little baby was the focus of our whole weekend.  Beyond telling the parents, I also started reading a book on parenthood, watched 2 documentaries on midwifes and took two hospital tours to see how we want to proceed with the pregnancy.  The next few weeks are going to be information overload until we feel comfortable with how we start this new life together.  I’m looking forward to every minute of it.

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