Tuesday, January 21, 2014

32 Weeks - She isn't even here yet and BGB controls my life

Everyone keeps saying that pregnancy is the easy part. I have no doubt. The books I am reading (that I am aware are not preparing me for what I am in for) all warn me of sleepless nights, lots of crying and painful breastfeeding experiences. However, even though she is not here yet, she has already taken over my life and gives me the joys of plenty of sleepless nights. Last week she decided to use my ribcage as a punching bag so to add to my consistent numbing back pain it feels like my entire chest is covered in bruises. This really makes trying to get comfortable at night a challenge. Especially since I have this issue with modern medicine that I just don't like taking drugs unless absolutely necessary. I always try every alternative first to fix an issue before going down the drug route. For my back I have tried ice, warm baths, hot showers, yoga stretches, deep breathing, iNeed massager, etc. etc. etc. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down and took some Tylenol PM. Praise the Good Lord, I slept through the night! I'm not going to allow myself to make it a nightly thing, but man is that going to be tough. I've haven't slept that good in months. It felt like a little angel walked down my spine and took the pain away and as soon as I got comfortable she snapped her fingers and I was out for the count.

It was a good thing I was able to get some sleep because the whole weekend was all about BGB. Logan and I attended a two day birth boot camp. 10 hours over two days learning everything about what we are going to experience in about 1.5 months. Intense is an understatement. Let's just say, I am going to be haunted for the rest of my life by the graphic images of the C-section that I don't wish on my worst enemy. I have mad respect for all the ladies out there that had to go through that but I am crossing my fingers, toes and eyes that I do not have to experience it for myself.

When we weren't in class, Logan and I did have fun working on the nursery. We are 90% there with decorating, have all the clothes folded and put away, and were able to return all the duplicate items we received. She can come anytime and we will be ready for her.  (Just hopefully not too soon.)  Now I get to just spend the next couple of weeks enjoying a little bit of alone time that Logan and I have left. And as much as I might complain about the physical pain that I am feeling, I am happy to do it if it means that she is healthy and happy in the home I am making her. 9 months of discomfort is worth a lifetime of happiness that she is going to bring us.

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