Saturday, January 4, 2014

30 Weeks - Countdown has Begun

The 30 week mark for me fell on January 1st.  As I get ready to start my 10 week countdown to BGB's arrival I thought it was fitting that I do my Top 10 countdown for 2013.  This past year has been full of exciting changes, celebrations and vacations.  I wanted to take a few minutes to reflect on the year that is passing before looking ahead.  So here is Casey's Top 10 of 2013 (Sorry this isn't going to be witty like Dave Letterman's.)  

10.  Traveling to the mountains with friends to experience autumn

9.  Traveling down south to the Keys several times with great friends

8.  Officially had 3 jobs in one year - first time that has happened since college

7.  Having a mini family reunion with my sweet relatives for my grandfather's birthday and enjoying all the Southern Cooking that goes with it

6.  Going to St. Augustine to see Mumford and Sons with special guest appearance by John Fogerty 

5.  Throwing Logan an Old Man party to celebrate all his 'Pepa' characteristics that I love

4.  Going to New Orleans for Jazz Fest where I ate my weight in crawfish

3.  Putting the finishing touches on our house to make it our home

2.  Being surprised by all my friends and family with an unexpected 30th Birthday Party

And the number one awesome thing that happened this year.... (prepare for your mind to be blown)

1.  Finding out that Logan and I are going to be having a baby

What?  Who saw that coming?

Now looking forward to 2014 with only 10 weeks left until our family grows, we are realizing what a hectic 2 months we have ahead.  We still have a whole check list of things to do to get us 'baby ready' along with classes, fun showers, and oh yea.... A New Job!  Why wouldn't I want to start a new job when I'm 7 months pregnant?  But, bottom line is that we have A LOT to look forward to in this upcoming year and I am beyond excited to see what it has in store.  So I happily raise my glass of sparkling grape juice and say CHEERS to the New Year!

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