Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Week 34 - 6 weeks to go

The countdown to D Day continues. If it wasn't for the little issue of my short term disability doesn't kick in until March 1st, I would be doing everything I could to encourage BGB to come on and join us in the real world! This week brought on two new side effects. One is a sharp, electrical shock feeling that only last for a few seconds but is very intense. Luckily, this is apparently very normal and is part of my body prepping for delivery. So now every time I feel like I'm being electrocuted, I also have a quick panic feeling that she is going to be coming sooner than expected.

Fortunately, the other new 'side effect' that I have been experiencing this week is an awesome one. She has been hiccupping a lot. Some people find this annoying, but I LOVE it. I think it is the coolest feeling. One of the perks from working from home and spending most of my time in either a chair at home or in the car has been how much I can feel her every day. I am going to miss this sensation after she is here because it has really made me feel connected to her. It is interesting to me because for the first 6 months before I could feel her move, I was constantly wondering if she was okay. I counted down the minutes until the next dr. appointment so I could hear her heartbeat and get that reassurance that everything is okay. Now it feels like I am getting a reminder every half hour that I have a happy baby girl in there. It is making up for all that time of me feeling neurotic.

I also had my first weird pregnancy craving.  I was driving home on Monday night and all I could think about was a bowl of pineapple and a glass of chocolate milk.  Not normally something that goes well together but I could not go to bed until I had that combo. 

I am enjoying some yummy iced caffeine-free key lime
ginger tea with honey. Such a yummy treat in the sunshine
This weekend we finally had some beautiful Florida weather, so Logan and I took advantage of it. After spending all day Saturday cleaning house, we spent Sunday in the backyard. I look forward to lots of Sundays in our backyard playing with BGB and floating around in the pool. She is going to be a water baby if she likes it or not.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Chocolate milk and pineapple? Not a bad combination, Casey! Both are tasty and nutritious, and they're perfect for you and your baby. I'm sure your OB/GYN would approve of your craving. Heh. You still have few weeks before delivery. I hope you're doing well. Good luck! :)

    Hugh Mounsey @ US HealthWorks
