Tuesday, December 24, 2013

28 Weeks - New Low

Let's play a game called find my feet.
I know I have said it before, but who are these people who LOVE being pregnant?  I Love that I have a healthy baby girl growing inside me.  I Love the idea of my family growing.  I Love that Logan and I are going to be parents soon.  But I just Don’t Love being pregnant.  Every week there is something new to overcome thanks to the fat suit I am wearing.  This week’s challenge:  tying my shoes.  Yep, that happened.  I can no longer sit in a chair, bend over and tie my shoe by myself.  The thing that I never get used to is the fact that this belly of mine is solid.  It is a good thing, I know.  There is a baby in there not just a bunch of cheeseburgers.  But that means I can’t suck it in when I’m trying to get through a crowd and I can’t squish it down when I try to bend over to put on some running shoes.  (Let’s be serious though, they might be called running shoes, but there is no running happening.)

The other thing I can’t get used to is how many breaks I need to take.  Cooking is a love of mine and I do a lot of it during the holiday season.  It took me 3 times as long as it would normally to do my normal preparations, which really threw me off.  I get so tired so quickly and my back starts to hurt with very little effort.  It seemed like every 15 minutes I was heading to the couch with a big bottle of water to take a breather.  Not to mention that it is only 68 degrees in my house and I’m dripping in sweat from the little activity I just did.  It makes me realize how much I use to take for granted.  Thank goodness for my sweet husband who normally does everything possible to avoid the kitchen for stepping in and helping out.  Otherwise I would have been in the kitchen until 2 a.m. hating life.  Something that I always enjoyed is now a hassle.  It is moments like that which make me wish I could fast forward to 3 months from now. 

A lot of good happened this week though so I can’t complain too much.  I had the best Dr. Appointment yet.  I think this is the first time that they have not told me that I am gaining too much weight.  Actually, I measured exactly where I should be.  I am 28 centimeters and 28 weeks which was perfect.  BGB’s heartbeat sounded awesome and she has been kicking up a storm.  I also put together a nice long check list of things that need to happen before her arrival and have a lot of things crossed off it already.  This might be the first time in months that I’m not feeling overwhelmed.  Great timing too since this will be a hectic week of running around and visiting with family over Christmas.  So no, I don't love what being pregnant is doing to me physically, but I do love what being pregnant means for my family.  I love the connection that is developing between me and this little girl and I am really counting down the days until I get to meet her.

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