Wednesday, December 11, 2013

26 weeks – Babies for Dummies

This was a big week for taking next steps in the pregnancy to get ready for Little Miss BGB.  Logan and I attending our first ‘pregnancy class’ where we learned all about how to take care of newborns.  I believe the official name of the class was just Newborn Care but it could have been called Newborn Care for dummies.  I loved it.  They did not over complicate things and they went over everything you could imagine from changing a diaper to bathing and included great handouts that broke everything down step by step.  It was painfully long (3.5 hours) but went by surprisingly quick.  The thing that I enjoyed the most about the class was it was a visual reminder of all the stuff I have already been reading in my mommy-to-be books.  I left feeling more confident that I know what to do when BGB makes her grand entrance. 

Bad Photos - But Progress Being Made!
Another great moment was that Logan was finally able to start his nesting process.  He has been very productive with getting the nursery ready.  We have a crib assembled and a hutch that has been painted.  Now we just need to find a dresser and put together the glider and all the basics will be complete.  Between that and feeling her movements have started to make a big connection between us and our new family.  We are much more aware of her and are beginning to think about how any decision we make will be impacted by her.  Things like going away for the night on Saturday to the Don CeSar can’t happen on a whim anymore.  Everything from working late to wanting to grab some dinner will need to have BGB in consideration.  People say that having a dog helps prepare you for that, but maybe we just have the world’s easiest dog because that has never been an issue for us. 
Taken at Don CeSar

I’ve also made huge strides in completing my registry.  I realized that I am overthinking things because this registry has taken me over a month to do.  I couldn’t add something to the registry until I did research to see which one is the best and has the strongest reviews.  What kind of parent would I be if my little princess didn’t have the top rated set of plastic keys?  It was getting a little crazy.  So after I did a few more reviews of ‘review-worthy’ items like car seats and baby monitors, I went the girl-rational route.  If it was the cuter option, I picked it.  This is supposed to be the fun part right?  Picking out all the sweet little outfits should be a fun process not stressful.  So in my last week of the second trimester, that is what we did.  We had fun playing house while we wait for the big day.

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