Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 18 -Flutters

This was another week of firsts for me.  I am finally feeling the baby moving for the first time.  What an incredible feeling this is.  I can see why people have such a hard time explaining what ‘flutters’ are.  It isn’t a kick.  It isn’t something that is overly obvious.  It is very subtle, but it doesn’t feel like anything else that would normally be happening in your belly.  I was worried that I’ve been having baby flutters for weeks now but couldn’t tell if it was a stomach cramp, gas or the baby.  But once I actually felt it, I knew that is what it had to be.

When I felt it for the first time, I was instantly overjoyed not just by being able to feel it, but because of where I was and who I was with when it happened.  Logan and I took Friday off from work so we could spend a long weekend with our friends in Big Canoe.  We wanted to do a little mini vaca to experience what autumn should feel like when you live anywhere other than Florida, see some mountains and relax by a fire with friends.  So Friday afternoon when I got the sensation for the first time, I was outside at a winery enjoying amazing views while my friends sipped on wine instead of at my cubical staring at a computer monitor.  I spent the rest of the day truly glowing with a grin from ear to ear just thinking about our precious BB. 

So how would I describe the flutter feeling?  First, it is a feeling that you get very low in your abdomen.  Well below your belly button just around your pelvic bone.  That was my first indication that it wasn’t gas that you would normally feel much higher in your stomach.  The sensation comes in waves.  It is similar to that tingling feeling that you get when you kiss someone you like for the first time or when you are about to go down a roller coaster.  That tingling turns into a series of subtle movement that runs across very quickly.  I imagine it like the bubbles that you see floating up in a champagne flute.  They are tiny and fast.  Some people describe it as a fish swimming around in the bag when you pick it up from a pet store.  I wouldn’t say it feels like that.  But I could say it feels a little bit like when you throw your line in the water and a fish is nibbling on your bait but hasn’t actually hooked on yet.  No matter how you would describe it – popcorn popping, butterflies, or goldfish – it is an experience that you don’t understand until you have it. 

Now that I do, I don’t want it to go away.  It gives me a connection to BB that I haven’t had yet.  I can’t wait until it turns into actual kicks so that Logan can experience this too.  I am amazing by him on a daily basis.  Each step that we have taken as a couple has brought us closer.  I keep thinking, there is no way I can love this man more than I do right now.  But when he started kissing and talking to my belly and reading the baby books, he took it to a whole new level.  The idea of him being a father gives me a new love and respect for him that I didn’t have before and it absolutely melts my heart.  This baby is going to be here before we know it and I really need to do everything I can to take all of this in.

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